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Anxious About Driving

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From Doubt to Triumph


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The Calm Within

Learning to drive can be an awesome experience if you get the right driving instructor, and that’s the problem you have, there is no way for you to work out the good from the bad. But we can help you and here is the good news, its OK to be nervous or scared. I can help you begin to build your confidence right from day one. To back up my claims I will promise this,  you wont here this from many schools in the area, a money back guarantee. If you don't like me on lesson one or don't think we can work together then you can walk away without paying a single penny and you'll get a good luck handshake thrown in.

Next hint, you really have to be careful with driving schools special offers because of their hidden clauses.

Take for example the standard 5 hour offer. Usually you can have 2 hours now, 2 hours in the middle of your course and 1hr for your driving test. What sort of special offer is that?

Be very watchful for the 10 hour special offers, similar to the 5 hour deal but it’s the same again, you can’t have all your hours at the beginning its usually 6 then 4 at the end.

Why do schools offer driving lessons like this? Quite simply, they can’t promise a good service
and need to try and retain you in their school, is that what you want? To be trapped into a bad service? What do you think your chances of passing will be?

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