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"These terms are really important to me. I want your experience to be enjoyable from start to finish this is why these terms are here for you to agree with from the get go."

Ellis Wood

  1. No other person will be in the car during your lesson unless you request it.

  2. You will be contacted if the instructor will be late (If the instructor is late the time will be made up at the end of the lesson or when mutually convenient to both parties).

  3. In the event of a problem with the car, puncture, breakdown etc any lost lesson time will be made up when mutually convenient to both parties.

  4. The instructor will never shout, swear or use demeaning language towards you or anyone else.

  5. The instructor will never touch you unless it is to control the car in an emergency.

  6. If the instructor needs diesel you will be shown how to refuel the car and have 5 minutes added to your lesson.

  7. The instructor will not make or receive phone calls or text messages during your lesson.

  8. The instructor will not smoke during the lesson and the car will not smell smokey or unpleasant.

  9. The instructor will not eat during your lesson.

  10. Each of your lessons will be tailored to your needs using our training programme with mutually agreed goals for that lesson and the progress marked in your progress chart. 

  11. The instructor will pay you £20 in cash for every pupil you refer to them or alternatively a free 1 hour lesson can be chosen, once they have had their first full price lesson.

  12. In cases of bad weather the instructor will put safety first and it will be their decision whether the  lesson takes place.

  13. Final decision of test readiness is the instructors alone and non negotiable

  14. Assessment of test readiness is in no way a guarantee of a test pass.

  15. You will have taken and passed a mock test.

  16. Should you not pass your practical test first time your instructor will pay for your second test. *conditions apply see our triple guarantee page

  17. All lessons booked with the instructor must be paid in full unless a full 24 hours notice of cancellation is given.

  18. At least one standard 2 hour lesson must be kept in credit at all times. After your test you can use that money for a 2 hour Motorway Lesson, your next 2 hour lesson (if you don't pass) or you can choose to have it refunded.

  19. You will on occasion receive a call from 'Driving with Ellis' for quality control purposes.

Signed by Pupil         .................................................. 
Dated                          .........................

Signed by Instructor  .......................................... 
Dated                          ........................

© Copyright 2024 Driving With Ellis.
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